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2021-11-26 at 19h04

Launch of the Qualification Programme for Internationalisation

The Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), in partnership with the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal (AICEP) and the National Agency for Qualification and Professional Education (ANQEP), launches the first training action of the Qualification for Internationalisation Programme.

This Programme is aimed at the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal, through the reinforcement of the professional skills their workers, in order to:

  • Enhance their employability, promote the integration of unemployed people in companies and contribute to prevent the risk of unemployment, in the case of active employees, and simultaneously increase their contribution to the success of the internationalisation process of the employer;
  • Increase the supply of qualified human resources in the labour market in the fields of internationalization and international trade;
  • Adapt vocational training to the needs of the labour market, some of which are emerging.

The Programme is aimed at people aged 18 or older, registered in IEFP as unemployed, who:

- Hold a secondary or higher level education;


- Have not completed the final year of secondary education;


- Are undergoing a process of recognition, validation and certification of skills (RVCC) at the secondary level.

The Programme is also aimed at employed people aged 18 or older who are in one of the situations mentioned above and who:

  • Have employers that understand that they should benefit from this training to support internationalisation processes, or those who are at risk of unemployment;
  • Individually intend to increase their own qualifications in internationalisation and international trade domains.

The Qualification for Internationalisation Programme was created in the scope of the Internationalise 2030 Programme, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers number 20/2021, March 19th, aimed at the qualification of human resources in the areas of internationalisation and international trade.

The launch session, on November 29th, at 4:30 pm, in the Auditorium of the Aveiro Exhibition Park, will be attended by the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, the Deputy Secretary of State for Labour and Vocational Training, Miguel Cabrita, and the Secretary of State for Internationalisation, Eurico Brilhante Dias.

Foreign Affairs