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2021-01-09 at 12h01

Recommendations for teaching and learning about the Holocaust

The "Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust" have already been translated and sent to schools. These recommendations consist of a manual with high pedagogical and didactic value, which may be used by teachers and educators in the teaching about the Holocaust. This document is considered a practical instrument, one which provides historical and citizenship indications, as well as a high-quality resources, which can be used in the classroom and other educational and training contexts, contributing towards the creation of stimulating learning environments.

The Directorate-General of Education has committed itself to translate this edition to Portuguese, following Portugal's participation, since December 2019, as a full member of the IHRA - International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, a forum which, aims at preserving the memory of the facts, fights against antisemitism, and prevents intolerance towards Others and new genocides, and fosters international cooperation. This participation has provided the Portuguese teachers an opportunity for knowledge and development in the preservation of the Holocaust's Memory and Teaching.

This resource also contributes towards the achievement of the Never Forget Project’s goals. In this project Education is regarded as a key intervention pillar, namely "to foster Holocaust's memory, to promote the prevention of and the fight against all forms of discrimination, antisemitism, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and others ways of disregard for human dignity, to disclose the international organisations’ importance within the framework of international law and the peaceful coexistence among the international community" (CMR No. 51/2020, of the 25th June).

Considering the "Students' Profile by the End of Compulsory Schooling", the Portuguese curriculum includes these issues in the Essential Learnings of 9th grade History subject, 11th grade History B subject, and 12th grade History A subject, as well as of the new subject made available in schools to the 12th grade, History, Cultures and Democracy. In the Citizenship and Development subject, this topic is equally addressed in the field of Human Rights, according to the National Citizenship Educational Strategy, and the need to promote respect for Others in a society which should be inclusive and should promote equality, democracy, as well as social justice.

The publication is available on the IHRA's website, where it can be downloaded. On the website it is also possible to access excerpts regarding the "Executive Summary", the "Why", the "What, and the "How". The "Recommendations", which may be used for different audiences, are a quality resource.

Foreign Affairs, Education