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Historical XXII Government - Portuguese Republic Back to Government in Office


2021-11-10 at 12h12

Speech of the Minister of Environment and climate Action of Portugal

«Let me start by thanking the Government of the United Kingdom for the organization of the COP26 and for all the work done in the difficult circumstances we have all been facing since our last COP in Madrid.

There is only one acceptable outcome for COP26: one that commits all Parties to a higher level of climate action and ambition; one that delivers the complete rulebook for the full implementation of the Paris Agreement. 

Science needs to be heard and integrated into planning and decision-making processes at national, regional and local level. 

And for that, National Determined Contributions (NDC) and Long Term Strategies (LTS) should reflect the urgency of delivering the 1,5ºC goal including through ambitious short term action and through net-zero commitments by mid-century.»

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