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Historical XXIII Government - Portuguese Republic Back to Government in Office


2023-05-28 at 19h14

Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education attends the international conference "Reflecting on Industrial Property, Sustainability and the Planet’s Future"

The international conference "Reflecting on the Industrial Property, Sustainability and the Planet’s Future" will be held on Monday 29 May at the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) and will be attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education Elvira Fortunato for the opening session at 10 am.

 The Minister of Science will give a speech during Panel 1, the theme of which is the importance of gender equality and the role of women in innovation and industrial property.

During the event, the importance of the Industrial Property System will be discussed, as a vehicle to meet the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This is an initiative of relative importance given Portugal’s commitment to meeting the SDGs and, in particular, in the area of science, technology and higher education, which has been promoting and backing several initiatives under this scope.

The conference is organised by the Portuguese Industrial Property Institute (INPI) together with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).