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2024-07-01 at 13h20

Europe’s economic competitiveness will underpin social policy

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro with the European Council President elect António Costa, Lisbon, 1 July 2024 (photo: Gonçalo Borges Dias /GPM)

The European Union’s Strategic Agenda "encompasses several and important goals, starting with a possible enlargement with implications that are naturally large from the perspective of change and reform to the European institutions", claimed the Portuguese Prime Minister Luís Montenegro in a statement prior to the working lunch with former Prime Minister and future President of the European Council António Costa.

Luís Montenegro indicated the European Union’s competitiveness as one of the main goals on this agenda and that only this competitiveness can bring economic growth to the European space so the social goals and strategic goals can be sustained for the digital, energy, and green transition.

Furthermore, we must "negotiate the next multiannual financial framework which in this context will bring new requirements. We know that from this perspective, Portugal is a country with unique strategic interests", indicating "maintaining cohesion policies, taking part as Member State in new funding processes for common projects, and leveraging the Member States’ economies".

The Prime Minister stressed that the security and defence pillar took on important relevance in Portugal already during António Costa’s Government and now with the current Government in power, this subject has been at the forefront.

"To this end, we were and are committed to continue ensuring assistance to Ukraine with a view to overcoming this situation of suffering from a humanitarian point of view, as well as loss from an economic perspective", he noted.

Luís Montenegro also claimed that "as always, we will offer positive contributions to the evolution of the situation in the Middle East. Portugal has, both in terms of its political structures and sovereign bodies and in terms of diplomacy, credits to act as an important mediator, and that is what we have been doing".

"The European Union and Portugal’s common goals, such as deepening international relations (…) will require from the Member States and the President of the European Council an intervention we believe will be highly valued by the choice made by the 27 Member States" in electing António Costa, he added.

The Prime Minister stated that "the trust António Costa got from the European Council was overwhelming" and that "his characteristics to conduct this post have general consensus from the European Union and its leaders".

He also indicated that "António Costa’s work as President of the European Council will surely be positive" and that for us, Portuguese, "having a Portuguese person in a relevant role in an international organisation, such as is the European Union, is a reason of pride and satisfaction, as this is an organisation that means so much to us and with which we share so many of our decisions".

The Prime Minister claimed the importance of "the spirit of collaboration and cooperation necessary for convergence, consensus, and majorities to be reached in the European Council, which are necessary for the European Union to move forward with building a political project of peace, economic prosperity, and well-being for the people". 

Prime minister