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2024-06-19 at 15h40

Return of the submarine Arpão after historical mission in the Artic

The Minister of National Defence Nuno Melo followed the arrival of the submarine NRP Arpão. 19 June 2024

The Minister of National Defence Nuno Melo followed the arrival of the submarine NRP Arpão to the Lisbon naval base at Alfeite, joining the ship’s crew for the last miles in this historical voyage.

The NRP Arpão took part in "Brilliant Shield", a NATO military operation in the North Sea with the aim of promoting surveillance and security in the Atlantic Alliance’s area of responsibility. 

On 28 April, the submarine undertook the ARTIC 2024 operation, considered a landmark in history because she was the first conventional submarine to operate under the artic ice, representing a feat for the Portuguese navy.

"What we achieved shifted paradigms. For the first time, a conventional submarine, over four days in the Artic, managed to perform a mission that had only been tried and tested by nuclear submarines so far", Nuno Melo stressed at the welcome reception at Alfeite. 

NRP Arpão, who was on mission for more than 70 days, is commanded by Frigate Captain Taveira Pinto and has a crew of 34 military on board.

The Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo also attended the ceremony signalling the arrival of the submarine, in addition to the Minister of National Defence.

National Defence