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2024-06-19 at 12h57

Portugal and France have historical relations they wish to boost

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro with the French President Emmanuel Macron, Paris, 19 June 2024 (photo: Gonçalo Borges Dias/GPM)

"Our predisposition is to boost our ties", claimed Prime Minister Luís Montenegro in a statement with the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron, before a working meeting in Paris, where both Heads of Government discussed "important issues for Portugal, France, Europe, and the World".

Luís Montenegro said that "Portugal and France have a historical partnership relation from a bilateral perspective, our commitment to the values and construction of the European Un ion’s future, as well as from a global perspective in the United Nations and geographical areas where we have shared interests", such as Africa.

Strengthening relations

Today, "I am here to strengthen our relations and tell you we have ahead of us room for cooperation that can be deeper and serve our peoples".

The Prime Minister noted that "we shall surely straighten in the next few years" our bilateral relations in areas such as "trade exchanges (which are intense), companies, cultural players, academia, the entire field of science, innovation, knowledge, which have set the relation’s development".

European agendas

The two countries are likewise "highly focused and solidary with the main agendas within the European Union, referring to "the support to Ukraine faced with Russia’s invasion" and "monitoring the situation in Gaza".

Luís Montenegro also noted "the entire process of Europe’s economic relaunch: the development of the single market, our companies’ competitiveness, funding small and medium-sized enterprises and [other] issues as relevant as managing migration flows".

"We shall do so with a mindset of dialogue our countries have always had and which we shall develop", he stated, classifying France as "a friendly nation with which we hold very strong historical relations".

Important communities

The Prime Minister recalled that "there is a large Portuguese community living in France", thanking "the welcome and integration given by the French authorities and the President to this community", yet "there is also a growing French community in Portugal and many others who visit us. I want to ensure Portugal will always welcome the French citizens with enthusiasm, friendship and a spirit of solidarity".

He also wished France "the best with organising the Olympic and Paralympic Games. I am certain this will be a great moment of unity at a global sale and a moment to affirm the innovation that is characteristic of France and its institutions. I will make a point of travelling over at the time to witness your organisational capabilities and follow the Portuguese athletes", he said. 

The Prime Minister expressed his "profound gratitude, on behalf of the Portuguese people, for the message addressed by President Macron to celebrate the 50 years since the 25 April revolution, which, as recalled, led us to become a democratic, free regime, much inspired by France and those who here in exile fed us the dream of freedom".

This was the first bilateral working meeting between the two Heads of Government. In it, Luís Montenegro and Emmanuel Macron discussed matters such as security, defence, technology, industry, European values, Ukraine, Africa, and the bilateral agenda "that unites both countries in a very specific way", according to the French President’s words.

Prime minister