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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2019-05-28 às 11h06

Intervenção da Secretária de Estado da Defesa Nacional na sessão de abertura dos Colóquios C4

Intervenção da Secretária de Estado da Defesa Nacional na sessão de abertura dos Colóquios C4

«It is my absolute please to address this distinguished audience and to express how honored we are to host this 24th edition of the C4 colloquiums.
This has been a remarkable collaborative effort, bringing together the Defense Research Institutes of France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, to which we are very pleased to contribute since 1996.
This initiative, as you well know, promotes mutual knowledge of the research being conducted in each country in the field of defense, but it also provides an excellent opportunity for exchanges of views on the central topic covered in these meetings – The Mediterranean Sea. 
This is indeed a fundamental endeavor to build mutual understanding and to develop of a common approach to making the Mediterranean an area of peace and security, and an area of prosperity and development for all the communities in its shores.»

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