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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2018-04-13 às 11h23

Intervenção do Ministro da Agricultura, Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural na assinatura de protocolos para financiamento do Programa Nacional de Regadios

I would like to greet everyone present here today, especially the representatives of the agricultural organisations. I also wish to thank Minister Centeno and the Vice Presidents of both EIB and CEB, as well as their teams, for the work they have done over several months, which allowed us to complete successfully the negotiation that we are now celebrating.

For Portugal and for the Portuguese agriculture, water and its efficient use are crucial to face climate change and to mitigate its negative effects, such as the drought that has recently affected us for many months.

In vast Portuguese rural areas, irrigation is absolutely vital to ensure the competitiveness of many crops, the settlement of populations and the creation of jobs.

Leia a intervenção na íntegra em anexo.