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Histórico XXIII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2024-03-04 às 13h14

Intervenção da Ministra da Justiça, Catarina Sarmento e Castro, por ocasião da Sessão de Abertura da Conferência "WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION – Status Report on Prision Health"

Sede do Infarmed – Parque da Saúde de Lisboa

Lisboa, 15 de fevereiro de 2023

The right to health is enshrined as a human right by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, a Covenant which obliges States Parties to take steps to achieve the full realization of this right, including the creation of conditions to assure medical service to all.

And the Portuguese legal framework is in line with these international provisions. Our Constitution includes the right to the protection of health among the fundamental rights, which shall be fulfilled through a national health service. 

Leia a intervenção na íntegra no ficheiro em anexo.