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Government Composition

Government Composition

Luís Montenegro
Prime Minister
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Paulo Rangel
Minister of State and Foreign Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Joaquim Miranda Sarmento
Minister of State and Finance
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
António Leitão Amaro
Minister of the Presidency
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Manuel Castro Almeida
Minister in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister and of Territorial Cohesion
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Pedro Duarte
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Nuno Melo
Minister of National Defence
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Rita Alarcão Júdice
Minister of Justice
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Margarida Blasco
Minister of Home Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Fernando Alexandre
Minister of Education, Science and Innovation
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Ana Paula Martins
Minister of Health
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Miguel Pinto Luz
Minister of Infrastructure and Housing
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Pedro Reis
Minister of Economy
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho
Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Maria da Graça Carvalho
Minister of Environment and Energy
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Margarida Balseiro Lopes
Minister of Youth and Modernisation
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
José Manuel Fernandes
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Dalila Rodrigues
Minister of Culture
Period in office:
2024-04-02 until the current date
Inês Domingos
Secretary of State for European Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Nuno Sampaio
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
José Cesário
Secretary of State for the Portuguese Communities
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
José Maria Brandão de Brito
Deputy Minister and for the Budget
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Cláudia Reis Duarte
Secretary of State for Tax Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
João Silva Lopes
Secretary of State for Tresaury and for Finance
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Marisa Garrido
Secretary of State for Public Administration
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Paulo Lopes Marcelo
Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Rui Armindo Freitas
Deputy Minister for the Presidency
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Hélder Reis
Secretary of State for Planning and Regional Development
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Silvério Regalado
Secretary of State for Local Administration and Land Planning
Period in office:
2025-02-13 until the current date
Carlos Abreu Amorim
Deputy Minister and for Parliamentary Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Pedro Dias
Secretary of State for Sport
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Álvaro Castelo Branco
Deputy Minister and for National Defense
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Ana Isabel Xavier
Secretary of State for National Defense
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Maria Clara Figueiredo
Deputy Minister and for Justice
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Maria José Barros
Secretary of State for Justice
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Telmo Correia
Secretary of State for Home Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Paulo Simões Ribeiro
Secretary of State for Civil Protection
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Alexandre Homem Cristo
Deputy Minister and for Education
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Maria Luísa Oliveira
Secretary of State for Administration and Innovation in Education
Period in office:
2025-02-13 until the current date
Ana Paiva
Secretary of State for Science
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Ana Povo
Secretary of State for Health
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Cristina Vaz Tomé
Secretary of State for Health Management
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Hugo Espírito Santo
Secretary of State for Infrastructure
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Cristina Pinto Dias
Secretary of State for Mobility
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Patrícia Gonçalves Costa
Secretary of State for Housing
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Pedro Machado
Secretary of State for Tourism
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
João Rui Ferreira
Secretary of State for Economy
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Lídia Bulcão
Secretary of State for Maritime Affairs
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Adriano Rafael Moreira
Secretary of State for Labour
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Clara Marques Mendes
Secretary of State for Social Action and for Inclusion
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Filipa Lima
Secretary of State for Social Security
Period in office:
2025-02-13 until the current date
Emídio Sousa
Secretary of State for Environment
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Jean Barroca
Secretary of State for Energy
Period in office:
2025-02-13 until the current date
Carla Rodrigues
Deputy Minister and for Equality
Period in office:
2025-02-13 until the current date
Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
Secretary of State for Modernisation and Digitalisation
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
João Moura
Secretary of State for Agriculture
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar
Secretary of State for Fisheries
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Rui Ladeira
Secretary of State for Forests
Period in office:
2024-04-05 until the current date
Alberto Santos
Secretary of State for Culture
Period in office:
2025-02-13 until the current date