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Dalila Rodrigues

Minister of Culture

Period in office: 2024-04-02 until the current date
Dalila Rodrigues Dalila Rodrigues


Maria Dalila Aguiar Rodrigues, born in Penedono on 15 August 1961, is an art historian, with a PhD from Coimbra University in 2001, a researcher and higher education professor.

She was director of the Jerónimos Monastery and Belém Tower (from May 2019 to April 2024), having stood out due to developing innovative projects, such as ecological conservation practices, and studying the effects of climate change, as well as drafting the plan to mitigate these, on these two World Heritage monuments. 

She directed the Grão Vasco Museum (2001-2004), the National Museum of Ancient Art (2004-2007), and Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, whose museum programme she designed, coordinated, and materialised in 2008 e 2009.

She was Head of Communication, Marketing, and Development for Casa da Música in 2008.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Belém Cultural Centre Foundation (CCB) and, accordingly, for the Modern and Contemporary Art Foundation – Berardo Collection Museum from 2012 to 2015.

She has given several training courses and initiatives throughout the country and was the trainer for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Library and Reading Assistance service) on Artistic Heritage and Museology at the Lamego, Sardoal, Alter do Chão, Marco de Canaveses, Borba, Redondo, and Vouzela Libraries from 1995 to 2001.

She has written several books and scientific papers on Art History, Heritage, and Museology. She received a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and PRODEP for her PhD and has been awarded scientific prizes and distinctions for her academic work and professional path.